Sunday 11 May 2014

Ways to Encourage Students Before a Recital

For our upcoming Spring Recital, we decided it might be helpful for our students to receive encouraging good luck messages from their fellow students. In order to do this we set up 'Greenside Post'. We spent a fun afternoon designing and making our 'post-box' for our students to post their messages into.

Everyone who is participating in the recital was paired up and asked to write a message to their concert buddy at the start of their lesson. As everyone gets apprehensive before performing in a concert, we suggested that they could include inspiring and encouraging words that would perhaps make them feel less nervous themselves.

Catherine and her student George as he writes his message to John. 
George's message was: Good luck. I hope you do well. Can't wait to hear your piece! From George (don't get nervous)

Georgina and Olivia writing a message to Harry.
Olivia wrote: To Harry, Good luck with the recital. I am looking forward to hearing you play. Liv

Cora writing a message to Lauren.
Cora wrote: Good luck, have a great time and try not to get nervous, try your best and have a great time. Cora x

After the message had been written, and a cute sticker had been stuck on, the students visited the 'post-box' to post the message which will be delivered next week in their lessons.

Grace delivering her message to Emma. 

Here are a few more messages: 

To Chris, Good luck in the recital, but don't be afraid of going wrong it doesn't hurt :) from Nathan

Good luck Sophie. I'm looking forward to hearing your piece in the concert because you always play really well. And well done for passing grade 6 piano. From Daisy

To Cora, I hope you do well in the concert, I've heard you play before and you were really good and I'm sure you'll be just as good! From Lauren 

What we would like to say to all our students who are preparing to perform in the Spring Recital next week is:
Feeling nervous is normal, but don't let it rule over your performance. It's okay to go wrong; if you do, take a deep breath and carry on. Most of all, try to enjoy playing to everyone because you have all put in so much hard work. Good luck!



  1. What a lovely idea to encourage the students. They will be looking out for who sent them their message at the recital.

  2. The post box idea is brilliant, its such a sweet way for the students to communicate with each other! I love that the the post box is music themed too.

  3. Thank you for the comments! A few of the students have said they will definitely be listening out for their concert buddy in the recital!

    We love anything with a music theme!
