Friday 24 October 2014

Musical Detective Day

For the past few years, I, Georgina, have held a Halloween inspired day for a selection of the younger piano students at Greenside. The days follow a storyline that is centered around musical activities and challenges that move the action along. This year, the Pied Piper had contacted Detective Pinocchio asking him to investigate the musicians in his Music Group for Fairy Tale Characters, as they were acting rather weirdly. As Detective Pinocchio was away, he asked the Greenside Detectives to solve the case of the strange behaviours.

Mission 1: Strange Behaviours
The 6 members have all been acting out of character. For example, The Mad Hatter has been rather quiet and reserved, and Bo Peep and Red Riding Hood (who are normally the best of friends) have been ignoring each other.  The Greenside Detectives began their investigation which was based in areas the musicians are frequently seen: Lounge, Study, Cafe and Rehearsal Room.

The Mad Hatter 
Why is he being so quiet?

Musical cryptic clues found on his sheet music led the detectives to a torn up letter in a bin which revealed that The Mad Hatter is having to leave the Pied Piper's Music Group during their concert season, due to unfortunate circumstances. He has been quiet because he's been feeling guilty about leaving, especially at such an important time. 

Jack has been leaving every rehearsal 15 minutes early, but no one knows why. Where is he going?
A musical grid on a tray in the cafe revealed the word 'cow'. This took the detectives to Jack's
cow notebook, which contains newsletters from The Pied Piper's Music Group and another music group: Fantastical Folk Music. The rehearsals of both groups overlap; Jack has been leaving The Pied Piper's Music Group early to attend Fantastical Folk Music. 

Goldilocks is normally so attentive, but recently her head has been in the clouds. What is always on her mind?
Post-it notes with musical symbols on the walls in the study sent the detectives to Goldilocks' bag. In the bag were jewellery boxes, leaflets for expensive cruises, and a list of things she wants to buy, with some of them already ticked off. Recently, Goldilocks' mind has been on buying expensive things. 

The Princess has been seen hanging around the rehearsal room long after rehearsals have finished. What is she up to? 
A pack of musical playing cards led to a book in the study. Inside the book a hole has been carved out - this holds the Princess' notes on 'How To Be A Better Musician'. She has been hanging around the rehearsal room because she wants to learn how to be a better musician - she's been reading books and practicing outside of rehearsal times. 

Bo Peep
Bo Peep has fallen out with her best friend Red Riding Hood. What has happened?
A musical challenge involving sheep took the detectives to a pin board where they found a diary entry from Bo Peep's diary explaining that she has lost something very important to Red Riding Hood; this is why they have fallen out. 

All of the Pied Piper's questions have now been answered. The detectives plan to ring Pinocchio to tell him what they've found out, but before they can a voice message is received from Pinocchio with the news that the Pied Piper has reported a very important, and valuable, manuscript missing! Who has stolen it - was it The Mad Hatter, Jack, Goldilocks, Bo Peep or the Princess? 

Mission 2 - The Missing Manuscript 
The detectives must now use the information they have just discovered, along with new information they will find out, to reveal the thief. 

The Mad Hatter
Is he leaving the group because he has stolen the manuscript and is planning on selling it and running away? 
A game of rhythm matching took the detectives to a plastic wallet containing a poster, a leaflet, and a business card for The Mad Hatter's new business: A Haberdashery. Being the scatty character he is, he accidentally scheduled for the shop to open during the concert season! With all of the flyers handed out already, he will have to honor this decision, and unfortunately abandon the music group. This is why he is leaving - he hasn't stolen the manuscript! 

Why is he attending another music group? Has he stolen the manuscript for them to use? 
Musical doodles on milk cartons led to a coat pocket in which there were envelopes containing letters between Jack and Fantastical Folk Music. Jack wants to learn how to play the harp so he can entice his golden hen to lay golden eggs. Jack is learning the harp with Fantastical Folk Music in secret because he doesn't want everyone to know he is going to get golden eggs. Jack is innocent too!

How has Goldilocks able to afford all of these things? Did she steal and sell the manuscript?
A musical jigsaw revealed lottery tickets belonging to Goldilocks. Once they were paired up with the winning musical symbols that week, it was discovered that Goldilocks won a lot of money on the lottery. That is how she can afford all these things - she's innocent too!

Bo Peep
What did she lose that was so important to Red Riding Hood? Was it the manuscript? 
A list of possible places where the item could be is used along with things in Bo Peep's bag which have places written on them reveal that the item can be found in a bodhran case. Inside the case were invitations to a surprise birthday party Red Riding Hood is holding for the Pied Piper - that's why she was so annoyed with Bo Peep. They are innocent too!

Why is she trying to better herself as a musician? Could she have an ulterior motive? 
Clues written on napkins took the detectives to the board game 'Cluedo'. In the box was a diary entry written by the princess, revealing that she is not actually a princess! She is in fact a wicked witch Griselda who plans to ruin music for the music group! She has disguised herself as a ditsy princess so that she can steal the important manuscript, without anyone suspecting her, which will mean they can't perform the piece and that they will be too sad to ever play music again! 

Another diary entry was found, explaining that she has also magicked away the music - even if the manuscript is found they will never be able to play it. As she is quite forgetful, she has written a reminder to herself for the hidden clues for the different ingredients needed for the potion to bring the music back, if she ever felt inclined to do so. It's now up to the detectives to find these clues, make the potion, and bring the music back!

The clues are found in various places. For example, on cupcake wrappers in Red Riding Hood's basket, and in The Mad Hatter's sewing box on a long wind-up measuring tape. 
Once the words for all of these ingredients have been found, the potion can be made.

The detectives then entered the Potion Room. 

Here, they mixed their ingredients, such as Barline Broth and Stem Salt, to create a potion. This was then applied to the invisible music. 

The manuscript was then left to 'bake' in the microwave. After a few minutes, the music had magically reappeared! 
The musicians then received rewards from Detective Pinocchio as a thank you for helping him out and solving the case. 

The day was a great success and lots of fun! I was very impressed with how all of the Greenside Musicians worked together and used their musical knowledge and understanding to solve the cases and to bring back the music. Now to begin planning the next one...

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